Small Group Studies

Hall of Faith Week 7 Study

BIG IDEA Sometimes God asks us to do things that do not make sense to the rest of the world. For example, sometimes He asks us to practice generosity even though money is tight. Sometimes He asks us to forgive the person who has deeply wronged us, even though the world tel...

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Hall of Faith Week 6 Study

BIG IDEA It is one thing to talk about and learn about faith. But, it is an entirely different thing to live it out. So, what do we do in times when our faith is tested? What do we do when the seemingly insurmountable difficulties arise, or we find ourselves at a dead-end?...

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Hall of Faith Week 5 Study

BIG IDEA The other day, I asked a friend the best part of his job and the hardest part of his job. “The people,” he responded to both questions. It is true. The people God brings into our lives are a blessing, but they can often bring unwanted conflict and frustra...

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Hall of Faith Week 4 Study

BIG IDEA Have you ever felt like life was caving in around you? Maybe you received an unexpected diagnosis, or your loved one became sick. Perhaps a relationship ended, and you never saw it coming. Perhaps you had an unexpected medical bill that depleted your savings account....

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Hall of Faith Week 3 Study

BIG IDEA When asked, the majority of people would probably say that they do not enjoy taking tests. In fact, even the mention of taking a test or exam might take you back to high school or college where you were cramming last minute for the dreade...

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Hall of Faith Week 2 Study

BIG IDEA This week as we continue to look at the lives of people of great faith, we are looking at the life of Noah. Noah was a man who stood out among all of the other people in the world because he lived a life that honored God. In a world that ...

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Hall of Faith Week 1 Study

BIG IDEA We often think of faith as a noun, as something that we possess. While faith is certainly something that we possess, faith moves beyond something we possess to something that drives us to action. When we have faith, we act on that faith that we possess. When we look ...

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Text Week 5 Study

BIG IDEA For the last 5 weeks, we have been talking about the Bible, how we came to have it, how we know it is reliable, and more. In our final week of this Text series, we come to the question, “How do we study the Bible well?” Today, we are answering this questi...

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Text Week 4 Study

BIG IDEA We have been learning a lot about the Bible over the last few weeks. We’ve been learning about how we got the Bible, how we know the Bible is reliable, and more. This week, we are talking about studying Scripture in community. The Bible is not meant to be studi...

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Text Week 3 Study

BIG IDEA When it comes to communication, a response is key. After all, someone who is communicating without getting a response from the person they are talking to is virtually talking to themselves. A key component of responding to another person is doing what they say. This is true wit...

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